Giving Opera another spin - ad-blocking as a core feature
By Leo Gaggl
I haven’t been using Opera for quite a while as I didn’t really have a need for a third browser lately (Firefox & Chrome being the main ones). However I came across this article today mentioning that Opera has integrated ad-blocking as a core feature rather than a plugin to manage.
If there were no bloated ads, some top websites would load up to 90% faster.
Today, we wanted to share with you a native ad-blocking technology in our Developer channel for Opera for computers. “Native” means unmatched speed vs extensions, since the blocking happens at the web engine level.
We are the first major browser vendor to integrate an ad-blocking feature, but this development should be a no surprise to anyone given the rising popularity of ad-blocking software and even Apple allowing it on its platform.
Install procedure (Ubuntu 15.10)
sudo add-apt-repository 'deb stable non-free'<br></br>wget -qO- | sudo apt-key add -<br></br>sudo apt-get update<br></br>sudo apt-get install opera-stable