Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Configuration”
Set up a Raspberry Pi Zero headless
If you are using the GUI (Raspian full download) and want to connect your RPi Zero to a keyboard and monitor there are probably easier ways to do this. These notes are for people that want to use a headless (no monitor and GUI) setup ready to connect to your RPi after first boot via SSH from another terminal.
wget -O
Download link:
Write Image to SD Card dd bs=4M if=2017-08-16-raspbian-stretch-lite.
Install Hugo on Ubuntu to generate static websites
Whilst there is a .DEB installer to download from the GoHugo sites I get all matter of warnings that the package is of bad quality and I am not comfortable to run these kinds of installers.
I rather install from sources in this case which is very straight forward since the main dependencies (largely GO) are in the Ubuntu main repositories.
Install dependencies sudo apt-get install golang git mercurial python-pygments
Paperless Office using the Raspberry Pi
This is a follow-up on an older blog using Ubuntu.
Raspberry Pi Prerequisites Since this will be a purely headless install designed to sit in a corner behind the scanner I am using a Base Raspian (Debian Wheezy) install (I personally like the clean minimal install via the best).
apt-get install sudo vim wget wput libusb-dev build-essential git-core
Add non-privileged user account(s) adduser USERNAME<br></br>adduser USERNAME sudo<br></br>groupadd scanner<br></br>usermod -a -G scanner USERNAME
Ubuntu 14.04 Amazon EC2 Cloud Desktop using LXQT
Using Amazon EC2’s free usage tier to host your own cloud desktop is a very economical way to to have a desktop at hand anytime you can not be near one. Since I quite often use Chromebooks these days when on the road this is a particular handy way should I need a full desktop for certain tasks.
Since Ubuntu 14.05 is my default desktop on my normal hardware I obviously want to have my cloud desktop running the same underlying OS.
Installing libdvdcss on Ubuntu 13.10
With the demise of the Medibuntu repository and libdvdcss not being hosted in the main Ubuntu repos due to licensing issues a new repository is needed from 13.10 upwards. Thanks to the good folks at VideoLAN (makers of the awsome VLC Video Player) there is a ready and updated source available.
wget | sudo apt-key add -<br></br>echo "deb ./" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/libdvdcss.list<br></br>sudo apt-get update<br></br>sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2
Disable services on boot - Ubuntu 12.04
To keep my desktop (notebook) machine light and responsive I don’t want unnecessary services starting on boot-time. Turns out Ubuntu is surprisingly cumbersome to configure in this area (compared to RedHat / Fedora).
Two services I need on my notebook, but don’t want them to start unless I require them running are MySQL and Apache. But it looks like some services are started using upstart init daemon and it appears there is no management tool for this.
Disable the Guest account from Ubuntu Login Screen
Having a guest account might be useful on a home computer, but it’s generally not what I want enabled on a notebook.
To disable the default Guest account you need to edit lightdm.conf and add a line (allow-guest=false).
sudo vim /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
Tested in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin & Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot
Ubuntu - Google Mail (GoogleApps) as default mail client
Since Ubuntu 9.10 NetbookRemix has been released I am again finding myself using my trusty old ASUS EEE when on the road. And finally it seems I have found a vanilla Linux distribution that is reasonably responsive and works ‘out of the box’.
One thing I don’t need on the road (as a matter of fact on none of my equipment) is having to install & maintain some client/server mail client.