Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Gmail”
GoogleApps (Gmail) as default Ubuntu mail client
Keeping mail on a local machine does not make sense when working across a large number of different (vitual) devices. As a GoogleApps user I have long preferred browser based mail client as my default.
Unfortunately this is not yet a very straight process on most Operating Systems and Ubuntu is no difference.
Edit: all the commands need to be run with root privileges. so either run “sudo su” or prefix all with “sudo ” (thanks to Paul for the comment below)
Ubuntu - Google Mail (GoogleApps) as default mail client
Since Ubuntu 9.10 NetbookRemix has been released I am again finding myself using my trusty old ASUS EEE when on the road. And finally it seems I have found a vanilla Linux distribution that is reasonably responsive and works ‘out of the box’.
One thing I don’t need on the road (as a matter of fact on none of my equipment) is having to install & maintain some client/server mail client.