Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Linux”
Setting up MultiTech LoRaWAN gateway on Ubuntu
As the convener for the Adelaide community of The Things Network, I am frequently setting up Multitech Conduit Gateways. Depending on your PC or notebook hardware you might have some problems with the Exar USB-UART driver on Linux.
Here are the steps to getting this unit setup from an Ubuntu (should work for any other Linux distro) machine.
Should show something like this:
Bus 002 Device 006: ID 04e2:1410 Exar Corp.
Finding Notebook Hardware for Ubuntu - 2015 Edition
Unfortunately it is still much harder than necessary to find notebook hardware to use with Ubuntu (or other Linux variants). This blog is full of past experiences (some of them quite time-consuming) on finding notebook hardware that will work without too much fiddling. This short note is to document my recent research on that front to help others who want to do the same (as there doesn’t seem to be a lot of good current info around).
Ubuntu 14.04 Amazon EC2 Cloud Desktop using LXQT
Using Amazon EC2’s free usage tier to host your own cloud desktop is a very economical way to to have a desktop at hand anytime you can not be near one. Since I quite often use Chromebooks these days when on the road this is a particular handy way should I need a full desktop for certain tasks.
Since Ubuntu 14.05 is my default desktop on my normal hardware I obviously want to have my cloud desktop running the same underlying OS.
LXQt - extending the life of my trusty old EEE PC (even further)
My old Asus EEE PC 900 is the oldest piece of hardware I own. With an old Intel Atom processor and 1GB of RAM it’s never was the fastest kid on the block (in fact I never considered the Windows XP version of the same unit usable as it was very sluggish). However after owning it for nearly 7 years I am very surprised I can still use it. Granted I only use it occasionally when I am at home, but thanks to LXDE it was still usable.
Getting Foscam IP Cameras to work from Linux (Ubuntu)
As with most hardware manufacturers of hardware Foscam utility software is Windows or Mac only. The actual unit tested with the below is a FI9805E Outdoor POE camera.
Installation The installation is relatively painless as the unit is set up to get the IP assignment via DHCP (check your routers DHCP assignment list).
should get you to the web-admin interface. The default user is ‘admin’ with no (empty) password.
Making VIM the default text editor on Ubuntu
In my never ending quest to find the ideal text editor here is another installment. Since I have been using VIM as my default command line editor for years I thought I give it a try for basic GUI editing as well.
Install and set desktop app & icon sudo apt-get install vim vim-gnome<br></br>sudo wget --output-document=/usr/share/applications/gvim.desktop<br></br>sudo wget --output-document=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/gvim.svg<br></br>sudo update-desktop-database
Set MIME defaults vim ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list<br></br>#add or edit the following mime type and add others as needed<br></br>text/plain=gvim.
As a follow-up on a very old post I thought it’s worth providing an update. Despite it’s age (& only costing $350 at the time) my little Asus EEE PC 900 it is still a useful device. It has turned out as one of the better IT investments in my lifetime. However it’s not (and was never) the fastest kid on the block and recent OS upgrades have become increasingly resource hungry.
Darktable - Photo Management under Ubuntu
Whilst I am by no means a photographer I do end up taking quite a few photos (these days pretty much exclusively on my phone) and the management of these photos can be a pain. So far I have never found an program worth the pain over plain old file management.
But having stumbled across Darktable ( I think I might have found a worthwile package.
Install on Ubuntu:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pmjdebruijn/darktable-release<br></br>sudo apt-get update<br></br>sudo apt-get install darktable
Getting a handle on Ubuntu mobile power management
To get an idea on the current power usage and some suggestions on how to improve power-management ‘powertop‘ is a must-have.
sudo apt-get install powertop
Installing Ubuntu: Extending the HP Touchpad
As one of those who grabbed a HP Touchpad at the recent firesale (after announcing the killing of the product line) I did it as in full knowledge that this device in it’s current form is of limited use and (highly) unlikely to have lots of additional applications created for it.
After casually using it for a few nights of use I am personally not surprised that HP decided to ditch this product.
VoIP client for Ubuntu II
After upgrading to Ubuntu 11 (Natty) I did some further research on VoIP clients (SIP) for Ubuntu Linux as XLite seems horribly out of date now.
I came across QuteCom (formerly WengoPhone) and from first testing it seems to work quite well. The install is easy as it’s part of the Ubuntu Community Software (Universe) and that means it can be installed via apt-get, Software Center or Synaptic.
So far the early testing has been very positive and the interface seems quite workable as well as having a number of other instant messaging options available.
GoogleApps (Gmail) as default Ubuntu mail client
Keeping mail on a local machine does not make sense when working across a large number of different (vitual) devices. As a GoogleApps user I have long preferred browser based mail client as my default.
Unfortunately this is not yet a very straight process on most Operating Systems and Ubuntu is no difference.
Edit: all the commands need to be run with root privileges. so either run “sudo su” or prefix all with “sudo ” (thanks to Paul for the comment below)
VoIP client for Ubuntu
Having used IP Telephony for a number of years I need a workable SIP client for all of the devices I use. I have found a very capable client for my Android phones (SipDroid) and on Windows/MacOSX I generally use X-Lite (as well as it’s paid version EyePhone) from Counterpath.
Having tried several different Linux SIP clients (Ekiga, Twinkle, …) but all discarded them because of weird UI’s and/or problems with stability I noticed that there is a Linux version of XLite available.
Ubuntu - Google Mail (GoogleApps) as default mail client
Since Ubuntu 9.10 NetbookRemix has been released I am again finding myself using my trusty old ASUS EEE when on the road. And finally it seems I have found a vanilla Linux distribution that is reasonably responsive and works ‘out of the box’.
One thing I don’t need on the road (as a matter of fact on none of my equipment) is having to install & maintain some client/server mail client.
Finding the ideal OS for (my) EEE PC
I have been a user of an EEE PC 900 for over 10 months now and in general very happy with the form-factor and it’s portability. I has been very useful in public transport, waiting rooms, coffee shops,…
However – in terms of Operating Systems I am now on my 3rd OS (despite initially telling myself that I will stick with the default and avoid tinkering) and it looks like I still have not found what I am looking for.